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Friday, August 15, 2014

Tea Party

When I was younger I used to organize some chic tea parties! 

I simply loved everything tiny and delicate, but mariage and a kid later I found myself with no time...

So this year I decided to organize a pink Tea Party.

I found this amazing invitations ...

I asked my friend Vera to make me this gorgeous cake!

I decided with pink velvet cupcakes and a fantastic pink buttercream.

I printed this bottle wrappers to my my water bottles beautiful.

I wrapped some chocolate bars to give as favors to my guests.

My tea bags...

I decided for these bouquets and put them in tea cups and a silver tea pot.

I printed these from a free site and theey turn out great.

These swirl cookies were a hit, too.

And these amazing tea pot cookies were a success!

We had such a great afternoon!
Thank you everybody for coming!

Ana & Vera

Monday, August 11, 2014

French Macaroons

So, what can I say, I decided to host a tea party and no party is complete without petit, pink french macaroons.

So after a few you tube movies and a big thank you to Beth from Entertaining with Beth here I am with the result.

I must add that it was not difficult. You must follow the instructions and not deviate. NOT DEVIATE. This part is important. 

I just strugled with the temperature of the oven. 160° and still too hot...

And you must use one of those templates to get them all the same, and that's it. go go go

I used the one from get creative juice, as you can see, :) just simple and perfect.
But I am a difficult person, so I asked myself, do I realy need a template... Here is the result with and without template...  

What do you think?

Of course I need a template, and here it is. Much, much better!

Now we wait for half an hour and then oven with them.

Not a very good picture, but believe me, they are great!

I decided to make a raspberry filling and a nutella filling.

Sorry no recipes, but you can findthem everywhere!

Just lovely!

Friday, March 7, 2014

80th birthday cookies

Mrs E is celebrating her 80th birthday.

She likes flowers and shoes...

And she's still the head of the family...

I'm sure she will love these!

Happy birthday!
Ana & Vera

Unicorn cookies

So, what about unicorns...

Well, I think we did good!

White unicorns and pink stars for a little princess...


Ana & Vera

Caroucel horse cookies

Miss C is now 3 years old! 
She decided for a caroucel horse theme...
And pink...

Happy birthday!

Ana & Vera

Sport cookies

Hello again!

Martin wanted some sports cookies and here they are!

Ana & Vera

Science party

It's Miguel 10th birthday and guess what he wanted another science party!

There was a cake and of course amazing cookies for all his friends and family.

Every party needs favors and here they are.

Ana & Vera

Valentine's Day cookies

And time fly! 
It's February and valentine's Day is here!

What better gift to surprise your soul mate!

Just lovely!

Have fun!
Ana & Vera

New year cookies - Bolachas de Ano Novo

What a better way to star the new year...

Eating  cookies with amazing friends...

Happy new year!
Ana & Vera

Pelican cookies - Bolachas dos Pelicanos

And what about pelican cookies...

Cute pelican cookies...

And money, because everybody likes money...

And they loved it.
Ana & Vera

Christmas cookies

It's Crhistmas already!
So what better to give school friends and teachers than amazing and delicious cookies...

All baked and perfect. Let the decoration begin...

Now we wait... And they arer eady to pack.

The pastel christmas version!

The traditional version, with all the characters.


And a special one to piano teachers :)

Thank you,
Ana & Vera