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Friday, December 6, 2013

Advent calendar 2013

This year I decided to do something new! I decided to make an activity advent calendar.

So here it goes!
Day 1 - write your letter to Santa

Day 2 - assemble your Christmas Tree

Day 3 - put you nativity set together, you'll need your grandmother :)

Day 4 - make your own wall Christmas Tree in your room

Day 5 - make a paper tree decoration for your door

Day 6 - my son adores snowglobes, so today we made a snowglobe!

I wonder! What will it be tomorrow?
Merry Christmas
Ana &Vera 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Monday, October 14, 2013

40th birthday cookies

My friend Vera celebrated her 40th birthday and I decided to give her some sweet cookies!

40 candles! 
Happy Birthday!

Ana & Vera

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Chocolate lollipops

Today's Saturday and I have the weekend off!

My son Tomas decided we had to do some lolipops... 

Let's do white chocolate lollipops with dark chocolate chips.

Like every thing I do, this is super easy and quick.

You'll need a bar of white chocolate, some dark chocolate chips and some sticks and wax paper.
I made some circles to help us keep a round shape and Tomas put the stick.
We melted the white chocolate in the microwave in short bursts of 20 sec. I belive it tooks us 3 times.

Then we made the lollipops and Tomas put some dark chocolate chips on top.

Now we wait until they are ready to eat! Yumm...

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lazy town cookies - Bolachas Vila Moleza

Ok! Who on this earth chooses to organize a LazyTown party?! Come on! 

I know who! One of my friends did...
Her daughter Constanca just had her 5th birthday, so...
So I had to come up with some cookies to decorate the table on Stephanie from LazyTown.
I wonder if I can do such a thing?! 
Well here are the results. Enjoy!

Ana & Vera

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bolachas Coloridas

As crianças andavam a pedir para fazer bolachas decoradas outra vez. Mas está tanto calor.... Ao mesmo tempo estava com pena de não repetir a experiência!
Até que me surgiu uma ideia para fazer umas bolachas coloridas....
E assim foi....

Á massa das bolachas de manteiga resolvi juntar corante. Dividi a massa em 5 partes iguais e a cada uma juntei um corante diferente.

Depois com as mãos estiquei a massa e juntei todas as cores.

Envolvi em película aderente e pus no frigorifico para que a massa ficasse rija e fosse fácil cortar com a faca.

E este foi o resultado final...

Vera & Ana

Thursday, August 15, 2013

65th birthday cookies

My mother-in-law, Mrs Abelcinda Jubileu celebrated her 65th birthday!

So, I decided to make some cookies for her.

I think they were just lovely!

Well, she liked them.

See you soon...


Friday, August 2, 2013

Bolachas Puffles

Quando as crianças estão de ferias é preciso ter ideias- muitas ideias!- para ocupar os seus tempos livres... E, também, para gastar as suas energias!

Uma coisa que já me tinham pedido era se podíamos fazer bolachas. Mas não queriam fazer umas bolachas quaisquer, não! Tinham que ser  bolachas dos Puffles!
E foi isso que passamos um dia a fazer....

Na véspera, fizemos a massa das bolachas, cortámos e cozemos.

No dia seguinte, começámos a decoração.

O resultado final? Uma mesa cheia de Puffles e dois ajudantes com muito jeito e muita vontade de repetir a experiência...

Vera & Ana

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cheese crackers

Hello again!

Today I was on call for flights, so I could not leave my home! I was bored...
So I decided to start checking my "to do recipes" to see if I was in the mood to do anything!

And those cheese crackers poped... Yes I was going to do cheese cracker...
So ingredients are:
226g gratted cheese
4 tbsp butter
3 tbsp water
Put all ingredients in the food processor or Bimby and pulse, add water until combined.

Roll and cut into any shape. I decided for leaves!

Put in the oven, 180° for 10 min.

And here they are! Delicious!
See you soon...

Ana & Vera

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Homemade pasta

A couple of days a go I just celebrate my 41th birthday. :)

When my husband ask me to give him some clues as to what to buy me I didn't hesitate and asked for a pasta machine...

I got a wonderful pasta machine with an extra tool to make ravioli. Uau! 

So today I am making pasta for the first time in my life.

This recipe falls in the category of simple and fast, just the way I like it.

You'll need 1 3/4 cup of flour and 3 eggs. That's it!

Knead the dough with your fingees for 10 minutes and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Cut the dough and pass it through the machine. You'll need to do this several time, adjusting the ma hine, each time. I did it 5 times.

Then it's time to make our tagliatelle!

You have to let it dry for an hour to use right away. The little ones must not touch each other or they will stick to one another. 
If you want to store it, you have to let it dry for 24 hours. Then just store it in a zip lock bag. 

Tagliatelle and spaghetti...

Ana & Vera

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Hi! My father used to do nogat for us, when I was a child. Today I decided to do it with my son.

You just need peanuts and sugar! Easy and fast! Just the way I like it! 

Put the peanuts in a pan and cover with sugar, lots of sugar!

Heat and wait until the caramel forms itself!

Put it in wax paper to cool.

Wait for it to get solid.

Chop it and eat it! Hummmy...